2024 Mid-American Umpire Clinic
Thursday, September 5 - Sunday, September 8 • Creekside & Homefield Baseball Parks • Kansas City

Plate Work
We will spend a great deal of time working with you individually to help you develop a consistent strike zone and to improve your mechanics. We will also work on your stance, voice, tracking, and timing.

Rules/2 & 3-Umpire System
We combine rules with the 2 & 3-umpire system into one classroom presentation, providing you with the proper 2 & 3-umpire system and the pertinent rules for each situation and responsibility.

Handling Situations
Handling situations is what separates the good umpires from the great ones. We will cover how to handle game situations, balks, arguments, and ejections.

live game evaluations
You will work live high school showcase and college level games while receiving instant feedback from our instructors.

We will discuss several topics that will better prepare you for being a "crew chief" at your current level or a more experienced umpire at the next level.

Field WOrk
We will walk you through the responsibilities of the plate and base umpire, covering crucial items like pause, read, react, double play footwork, and taking plays at the plate. We will also utilize controlled scrimmages.

Signals & Mechanics
We will fine tune your signals and mechanics to make them sharp and crisp which will help project confidence and sell your calls.

We will go over what is expected of umpires both on and off the field. We will also share with you what supervisors look for in prospective umpires.

Equipment Check
Proper fitting equipment is vital to your safety and wellbeing on the baseball field. We will ensure your equipment is safe and fits properly before getting behind the plate.